Crockett & Cash: $100!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Pictured: (l-r) Don Johnson as Det. John "Sonny" Crockett, Philip Michael Thomas as Det. Ricardo Tubbs -- Sleuth Photo

I have 5 questions. You have 30 seconds. You only need to get 3 correct to win $100!

Antonette in Fort Lauderdale won $100 (she got 4 out of 5!!!) - how did you do?

Sign up to play Bobby’s Fast 5 here!


In Miami Vice, Don Johnson’s character kept what kind of exotic animal as a pet?

What paper towel company uses the slogan the Quicker Picker Upper??

What shape is used to make a stop sign?

Was Fort Lauderdale originally a fort?

What is the product Krispy Kreme is known for making?





YES (built along the New River in 1838 – there are signs and markers)