The wearin’ o’ the green. The green beer and Guinness-fueled parties. The parades and Irish folk music... all to honor the day Ireland’s patron saint passed away!
• But, did you know Saint Patrick wasn’t BORN in Ireland? Born Maewyn Succat, in Britain near the end of the 4th century, he was 16 when he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and sold as a slave in Northern Ireland. After 6 years as a shepherd, he was able to escape back to Britain, eventually returning to Ireland as a Christian missionary. The rest is history!
• So, what’s up with Leprechauns? The original Irish name for these diminutive creatures is “lobaircin,” meaning “small-bodied fellow.” Their origins are likely based in Celtic belief in fairies— tiny men and women who use their magical powers for good or evil.
• Finally, is a shamrock REALLY good luck? The shamrock, a three-leaf clover, has been associated with Ireland for centuries. The Celts consider them a sacred plant symbolizing the arrival of spring. According to legend, St. Patrick often used one to teach of the the Holy Trinity. By the 17th century, the shamrock became a symbol of emerging Irish nationalism. If you happen to find a four-leaf clover, THAT is the one to hold onto as they’re extremely rare and considering LUCKY!
Read more here ➡️ History Channel