How To Be Taller

I’m not making this up!

One way to be taller is by becoming an astronaut. If you rocket into space for extended periods, you will tend to grow about 3% taller during their time off Earth. Remeber Scott Kelly? He spent 340 days aboard the International Space Station and he added 2 extra inches in height.

OK, I get it. We’re not all going to be an astronaut.

But another fun fact is we’re taller in the morning.


Gravity, my friends. Gravity weighs down our body making us a tiny bit shorter by the end of the day. From the moment you jump out of bed, gravity starts pushing down on us and all that strain adds up, shrinking a body by 1 centimeter. But at bedtime our bodies get a “time out” as lying down redirects the force (unless you sleep standing up!) so you gain back the height lost during the day, making us once again slightly taller.

So there you have it. Want to be taller? (1) Be an astronaut. (2) Stay in bed.

You’re welcome.